====== PluginEventCallback plugin export ====== PlayClaw will call this callback when some events occur (currently in test, interface can be changed). ====Syntax==== PLUGIN_EXPORT void PluginEventCallback( [in] DWORD dwEventType, [in] DWORD dwEventParam1 ); ==== Parameters ==== **dwEventType** [in]\\ Event type of occured PlayClaw event. **dwEventParam1** [in]\\ First parameter of occured event. //Available events//\\ **PCEVENT_ACTIVE_PROCESS_CHANGE** - PlayClaw sends this event when active process is changing. Use [[plugin_sdk:imports:PC_GetConfirmedProcessID|PC_GetConfirmedProcessID]] method to get real confirmed active process ID. dwEventParam1 contains process ID (which is not already confirmed). **PCMSG_RECORDING_COMPLETED** - PlayClaw sends this event when recording is completed (not cancelled). dwEventParam1 is index in internal completed files names list. Use [[plugin_sdk:imports:PC_GetRecordedVideoFilename|PC_GetRecordedVideoFilename]] to get full file path by index ====Sample code==== // debug print event type PLUGIN_EXPORT void PluginEventCallback(DWORD dwEventType, DWORD dwEventParam1) { PC_DebugPrint(L"New event: %d\n", dwEventType); if (dwEventType == PCEVENT_ACTIVE_PROCESS_CHANGE) { PC_DebugPrint(L"New process ID: %d\n", dwEventParam1); } } ====See also==== Other [[plugin_sdk:exports:|export functions]]