====== PluginEventCallback plugin export ======
PlayClaw will call this callback when some events occur (currently in test, interface can be changed).
PLUGIN_EXPORT void PluginEventCallback(
[in] DWORD dwEventType,
[in] DWORD dwEventParam1
==== Parameters ====
**dwEventType** [in]\\
Event type of occured PlayClaw event.
**dwEventParam1** [in]\\
First parameter of occured event.
//Available events//\\
PlayClaw sends this event when active process is changing. Use [[plugin_sdk:imports:PC_GetConfirmedProcessID|PC_GetConfirmedProcessID]] method to get real confirmed active process ID. dwEventParam1 contains process ID (which is not already confirmed).
PlayClaw sends this event when recording is completed (not cancelled). dwEventParam1 is index in internal completed files names list. Use [[plugin_sdk:imports:PC_GetRecordedVideoFilename|PC_GetRecordedVideoFilename]] to get full file path by index
====Sample code====
// debug print event type
PLUGIN_EXPORT void PluginEventCallback(DWORD dwEventType, DWORD dwEventParam1)
PC_DebugPrint(L"New event: %d\n", dwEventType);
PC_DebugPrint(L"New process ID: %d\n", dwEventParam1);
====See also====
Other [[plugin_sdk:exports:|export functions]]