Quick start
Please note, this major update (version 6) was just released and it hasn't described all its features. We're working hard with this.
The program is ready to work right after installation. But we recommend to check basic settings to be sure that they're suitable for you. First check the hotkeys for various actions, like recording start and stop, streaming, pre-recording, taking screenshots, etc.

Now select a video codec which will be used to encode captured video frames. PlayClaw supports built-in software MJPEG codec and hardware H.264/AVC codecs, which are available if you have appropriate hardware. PlayClaw can use the following technologies: Intel QuickSync, Nvidia Encoder and AMD AMF.

There are presets for every codec. First try Balanced preset. If you will need to customize settings, then click Settings button and you'll see all custom options available for selected codec.
Do not forget to set destination folder for local recordings!
That's all, now just start the game and record it. Or you can even start to record desktop right now.